Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 3: Reading Diary A- Oh Snap! Things are Getting Intense

Reading Notes p. 89-130
The Ramayana by R. K. Narayan

Chapter 6: Vali
*This chapter is considered to be very controversial

-Ravana has just abducted Sita-
Setting: in the mountain/forest area of Kiskinda- the kingdom of monkeys

Sugreeva= monkey clan ruler
Hanuman= Sugreeva's companion and helper

Hanuman sees Lakshmana and Rama enter on a mountain path. He shifts into the shape of a young scholar and approaches the two to greet them and see why they have come- Rama sees through his disguise. He is actually a giant monkey.

Sugreeva's Story
  • Sugreeva has a brother with ultimate strength named Vali
  • Vali churned the ocean to create nectar for the gods so that they can live forever- this is how he got his strength, speed, energy, and luck (the ability to steal half of an opponent's energy
  • a demon named Mayavi showed up and challenged Vali, but did not get a good look at Vali and when he stood up Mayavi fled to a cave
  • Vali followed him to the cave and was gone within the cave for 28 months after which time Sugreeva was told by his advisers to block up the cave entrance and become the ruler of Kiskinda
  • When Vali finally tried to emerge, he was blocked and FREAKED OUT on Sugreeva. He tried to injure/kill Sugreeva, but Sugreeva had reached Mount Matanga. Vali could not step foot on the mountain; if he were to do so, he would die. So, Vali returned to his position as ruler and stole Sugreeva's wife, exiling him to the mountain
Rama feels bad for Sugreeva. hanuman notices that Rama is Vishnu incarnate and realizes that he could help them defeat Vali...

Dundubi's Story
  • Buffalo-shaped demon who wanted to wage war with Vishnu- told by Indra to seek out Vali to fulfill his wish of being able to fight forever 
  • Vali Vs. Dundubi- fight lasts 1 full year before Vali rips off Dundubi's horn and uses it to eviscerate the demon before throwing his carcass to the side... right at the feet of Sage Matanga who was performing sacred rights 
  • This is how Vali got his curse 
As Ravana was abducting Sita, he flew over Kiskinda. Sita saw the monkeys and threw her jewelry down to them..possibly as a sort of bread crumb for Rama- Sugreeva gives the jewelry to Rama and swears to help find Sita.

It is decided that the first step is to eliminate Vali. Sugreeva goes ahead of Rama and calls out Vali for a fight; Rama plans to shoot Vali when he isn't prepared. Vali excitedly agrees, but before he can leave his wife warns that she has heard Rama will help Sugreeva. Vali does not believe this, after all, why would a just and fair man like Rama get involved in a brotherly quarrel?

As they wait, Lakshmana warns Rama that he does not think they should get involved in this battle. Sugreeva and Vali fight and Sugreeva gets beaten very badly, but before Vali can deliver the last blow Rama pulls out an arrow and shoots him, killing him. Vali is shocked and tells Rama that he has broken his own code and killed someone who has done him no wrong. This causes Rama to doubt himself, but then Lakshmana jumps in and explains that Rama had a promise to fulfill to Sugreeva for giving him refuge. Vali understands, and agrees that Rama was not in the wrong before dying. Sugreeva goes on to become king and take Vali's son Angada as his second in command.

Chapter 7: When the Rains Cease 

Rama declines an invitation to be a guest a the royal palace in Kiskinda, as well as the offer of aid from Sugreeva and Hanuman telling them he vowed to live in the forest for 14 years and they need to focus on ruling, but that he will appreciate their help in 4 months once the rainy season is over.

Rama became depressed during the rainy season, but Lakshmana helped keep his mind straight. When the rainy season ends, Rama and Lakshmana are left wondering where Sugreeva is with his army to aid them. Rama sends Lakshmana to find out why Sugreeva never showed. Angada tells Sugreeva of Lakshmana's imminent arrival, but in his drunken stupor, Sugreeva does not reply. Kiskinda shut down, people locked their doors and windows, and Lakshmana watched all of this happen before kicking down the gate to the city. Everything calms down eventually and Sugreeva realizes his mistakes before vowing to never drink again. He sends out his messengers to assemble the army then goes to visit Rama and apologize for his actions. Rama accepts and tells him to go home until the army is ready.

The army is collected and search parties are sent out by Rama with specific instructions for how to search for Sita and to return in 30 days with a report. He told them that if they should find her, to give her his ring and bring her home to him.

Sampathi- Jatayu's brother who was burned and charred by the sun god- is restored to former bird glory by the mention of Rama's name

  • saw where Ravana took Sita- South, across the sea
Hanuman is selected to journey across the sea because he can shape-shift. He grows giant and with one step, crosses the ocean to Lanka

Chapter 8: Memento From Rama
*Mandodari = Ravana's wife- beautiful, lives in luxury

Hanuman wanders through Lanka before arriving at Asoka Vana where he finds Sita surrounded by evil Rakshasa women.
  • Ravana comes and tries to get Sita to be his main mistress, but she vehemently refuses
  • Hanuman reveals his location to Sita because she has given up hope and wishes to end her life. He tells her his story and gives her Rama's ring
  • Sita is renewed and gives him a piece of her jewelry that she'd hidden in her scrap of sari to deliver to Rama as a memento
Hanuman grows giant again and destroys Asoka Vana, then allows himself to be captured- he implores Ravana to change his ways or face destruction at Rama's hands
  • Ravana orders him to be killed but his brother (Vibishana) reminds him that it is improper to kill a messenger, saving Hanuman 
  • Hanuman sets Ravana's capital on fire, then leaves to return to Rama
Chapter 9: Ravana in Council
  • Ravana's men council him to wait for Rama and his brood to come to them, then destroy them
  • Kumbakarna (Ravana's brother) offers to fight- Ravana is touched by this and orders for the armies to be gathered and march on to Rama
  • Indrajit (Ravana's son) tells him to stay, and that he will take care of it
  • Vibishana (Ravana's youngest brother) tells Ravana to let Sita go and warns of danger if he continues on the path he's on
    • Ravana's had 3 curses put on him: Nandi said his end would come through a monkey, Janaki cursed him, and Vedavathi said she would be reborn to end his life
    • Vibishana uses these as evidence that Ravana is making a big mistake
      • Ravana's response... "Nobody's curse can ever touch me." (Narayan, 127)
      • Accuses Vibishana of being Rama's admirer 
  • Vibishana tries oncemore to convince Ravana not to fight Rama, but this angers Ravana who orders Vibishana to leave or he will kill him
    • Vibishana leaves and heads to Rama's camp

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