Sunday, August 17, 2014

Week 2: Reading Diary B- The Plot Thickens

Reading Notes (p. 54-89)
The Ramayana by R. K. Narayan

Important: King Dasaratha dies when he hears the news that his sons were out in the rough forest (p. 55)

Foreshadowing on p. 56- something is going to go wrong on his journey? He didn't consult the astrologist about whether the timing was good for his journey, he wonders about possible change in the atmosphere.. then, he finds out the news of the reality of his family's situation- threatened to kill Kaikeyi if it wouldn't make his brother (Rama) hate him.

The kingdom needed a ruler, but Bharata refused and gathered a HUGE group of people to go with him in search of Rama. When they find him, they ask him to be king and he refuses. He wants to finish his father's wish of him living in the forest for 14 years. Rama and Bharata argue until the gods order Bharata to rule for 14 years in his brother's place.

Chapter 4: Encounters in Exile 
Setting: traveling through the forest, eventually arriving at Panchavati- very near to Godavari River

*Remember: Asuras = demon

"Rama's whole purpose of incarnation was ultimately to destroy Ravana, the chief of the asuras, abolish fear from the hearts of men and gods, and establish peace, gentleness, and justice in the world." (Narayan, 63)

Ravana's Sister: Kamavalli/Soorpanaka

  • daughter of Sage Visravas

She approaches Rama and wants to marry him, unaware that he is taken by Sita. He refuses and she argues, until she sees Sita. She assumes she is another woman who has snuck up on Rama and tells Rama to stay away from her because she is not really a beautiful woman, but a demon. He laughs and tells her to leave before his brother finds her, then he turns around and goes back into his ashram, shutting the door behind him.

Soorpanaka then shuts herself in a cave where her infatuation turns to madness and hallucinations. She decides to get rid of Sita in a last-chance effort to win Rama before she kills herself. She stalks Sita and as she pounces, Lakshmana tackles her. Upon realizing she is a woman, he decides not to kill her; instead he cuts off her nose, ears, and breasts.

Soorpanaka leaves to go find Kara (a warior demon and Ravana's step-brother) who orders 14 of his commanders to go kill Rama and Lakshmana, but bring Sita back to him. When they fail, Kara and his army go to finish the job, but are defeated by Rama. Soorpanaka flees to Lanka to tell Ravana what has happened.

Chapter 5: The Grand Tormentor
Setting: Durbar Hall, owned by Ravana - filled with enslaved gods and adoring followers who rain flowers down on Ravana

Soorpanaka enters the hall and tells Ravana of what has happened to her. She then tells him of Sita and her beauty. Ravana falls in love with the image of Sita from Soorpanaka's description. Soorpanaka urges him to kill Lakshmana, take Sita for himself, and give Rama to her.

Ravana sets out to get counsel from his uncle, Mareecha who had tried to kill Rama twice and failed. He warns to stay away from Rama, so Ravana decides to simply steal Sita. He convinces Mareecha to take the form of a golden deer to lure Sita away so that Ravana can capture her. Rama goes to catch the golden deer, but realizes it is an asura and kills it with an arrow. As it died, it screamed out for help in the voice of Rama.

Sita hears this cry for help and freaks out, ordering Lakshmana to leave his post protecting her and go to Rama's aid. They two argue until she threatens to harm herself and he leaves. While he is gone, Ravana dressed as a homeless beggar enters the hut where Sita waits. Ravana sings the praises of the asuras and himself (in 3rd person) to Sita who speaks of her husband's mission and victories. When Sita points out a weak moment of Ravana's he grows angry and says he would destroy her if she wasn't to be his queen. He implores her to become his, but she refuses telling him to run and hide from Rama. Ravana picks up the ground Sita is standing on and puts her in his chariot before leaving.

As he's escaping, Jatayu (huge eagle who had promised to protect Dasaratha's children) begins attacking him trying to get him to take Sita back, but is struck down by Ravana's sword. Ravana takes Sita away to Lanka and Jatayu keeps himself alive long enough to tell Rama and Lakshmana what happened but then dies.

Narayan, R. K. (1972) The Ramayana
Class Reading Guide B (for my later reference)

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