Saturday, October 25, 2014

Famous Last Words: Week 10

Well, this week I was sick all week with an upper respiratory infection. I went to the doctor at Goddard Health Center and he gave me antibiotics so i'm hoping those will kick this infection's butt ASAP. Otherwise the week was pretty good I suppose. I got a new laptop which was costly, but necessary, and I think I like it. I just don't like change and wish I hadn't HAD to buy a new one. I also got to conduct some intakes at my practicum site (Calm Waters in OKC) which was a new experience and integrated me further into the agency. The program director at Calm Waters told me I did a great job, so that made me feel pretty good. Things at Calm Waters have been and continue to be amazing! I'm so lucky to have received this agency as my placement! Plus, my field instructor doesn't actually work for/at Calm Waters, she works for Valir, so  I get double the experience by getting to work with a hospice agency and a unique agency that works with children and adults. I feel really lucky! The last thing that happened this week is that I weighed myself and i'm officially down 60 lbs and am only 7 lbs away from my first weight goal of being under 200 lbs (for the first time since 8th grade)!

Also, I just wanted to take this opportunity to give a HUGE thank you to my Indian Epics professor, Laura Gibbs for being incredible and going so far beyond what is required of her. She was here for me and gave me the support I needed last week when everything seemed to be falling apart at once. I've never had a professor who takes so much interest in her students and I honestly think that is what is missing from most college classrooms. She is a wonderful woman and i'm lucky to have her as my professor!

So, thank you again Professor Gibbs! You really are amazing!

Sick but Still Smiling
My photo 

1 comment:

  1. Oh oh oh, Bria, you are so welcome, and I was SO GLAD to see you blogging today... and with good news too!!! LOTS of good news in fact! YES! There are always ups and downs in life, but you definitely got clobbered with way too many downs all at once. I am so happy you are beating back the bronchitis, and it sounds like you are doing great with these other big projects in your life. Go go go GO... I am so glad to hear you are feeling better!!!
